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Introduction to Baby Massage

  • 14 Steps
Get a certificate by completing the program.


Introducing the ultimate bonding experience for you and your little one! 💗Our online Baby Massage Course is designed to help you nurture and cherish your precious one while also promoting their overall health and wellbeing. 💗Our self-paced video and written content will guide you through the process of gently massaging your baby, aiding digestion, enhancing bonding, and helping them relax. 💗Our expertly crafted course is perfect for parents, caregivers, and anyone looking to create a special connection with a baby in their life. 💗The videos are easy to follow and include close-ups of each massage technique, ensuring that you feel confident and comfortable every step of the way. 💗The written content provides additional information and tips to help you make the most of each session. 💗Not only is this course enjoyable and bonding, but it also offers numerous benefits for your baby's development. Massage has been shown to improve sleep, reduce fussiness, and promote overall wellbeing. It's also a great way to help alleviate discomfort caused by gas, colic, and teething. 💗Your little one will feel loved and cared for, and you'll create memories that will last a lifetime. With our self-paced, online course, you can enjoy this special time together, no matter where you are. 💗Massaging your baby can reduce your own anxiety, slow down your heart rate and improve your sleep. Massage releases Oxytocin between you and your baby and enhances your own sense of wellbeing.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app





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